2017年も残すところあとわずかとなりました。今年は生徒の皆様にとりまして、どのような一年だったでしょうか? 来る2018年が皆様にとりまして輝ける年となります事を願っております。
Ethan先生 さて、チャレンジです!D のつく難しい単語が沢山です!辞書を使って文の意味を考えてみよう!
Deftness and devotion are distinctive of dog years. Decidedly doing our due diligence, determines the direction of our disciplines. Don’t demarcate or diminish your desires or druthers, but doggedly dash after your dreams! Happy Year of the Dog!
Justin先生 英語の短歌に挑戦してみました!音節(シラブル)を数えながら読んでみてね!
Two thousand eighteen,
The New Year is almost here.
All you jolly dogs,
Barking and playing out there,
Let’s all make it a fun year!
Did you meet your goals for 2017? What new goals do you have for 2018? This is an exciting time of year when one thing ends and another begins. We are so excited to bring in the New Year with you! Let there be lots of joy and happiness in 2018! Happy Holidays everyone!
お正月に纏わる単語クイズ! いくつ分かるかな❓
Rice Cake Fish Cake Sweet Egg Roll Sweet Black Beans
Pickled Radish and Carrots Vegetable Soup with Rice Cake
Cooked Burdock Herring Roe